Li River and Life in China
After we finished our Yangtze River cruise, we flew to Guilin where we took a leisurely boat ride down the Li River. We saw fishermen, farmers and lots of water buffalo.
Leaving the Li River area, we saw water buffalo sharing the road with cars. Near the hutong neighborhoods, rickshaws and cars were on the streets. Cities had modern, multi-lane highways. There was also a great deal of construction – roadways, buildings and bridges.
During our trip, we saw farmers and others who were engaged in manual labor. We also visited an outdoor market. Goods were weighed with balance scales and carried home in baskets.
There seemed to be many opportunities to engage in physical activity. We saw people, especially seniors, engaged in tai chi, dancing and using exercise equipment. We also enjoyed a variety of food. We made a quick stop at McDonalds, enjoyed traditional Chinese dishes and had high tea in Hong Kong.
There was also a commitment to planning for the future and preserving historical treasures. In Shanghai, we visited the Urban Planning Center which has a complex model of Shanghai including projected growth. In Xi’an, we visited the Ox Culture Ceramics Museum, a private museum where we saw exhibits and some of the curator’s private collection. And of course who could leave China without visiting a zoo to see a panda? It was a fabulous trip!